Alumnus, Dept. of Computer Science, University of California
Santa Cruz
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(picture above ca. 2001)
About My Time at UCSC:
I was at UCSC from Sept. 2002 to June 2004, working with the Storage Systems Research Center.
I returned part time to finish my degree in the spring of 2009, completing
my last courses that year. I completed my thesis part time in 2010 and
early 2011.
My primary area of interest is file systems design for NVRAM, although I have broad interests in both operating systems and software engineering. My advisor was Prof. Ethan L. Miller. I been worked with the group in research on filesystems for Magnetic RAM (MRAM).
I did my undergraduate degree at Dartmouth College, with a major in Anthropology and minor in Computer Science
This page is intended as an academic introduction; for those interestested in a more personal introduction, I keep a blog ("Cubicle Hermit" not frequently updated; if you know me, try Facebook) and I have a personal page ("") for those interested, and a somewhat more up-to-date photo taken at my UCSC graduation.
Nathan K. Edel, Ethan L. Miller, Karl S. Brandt, Scott A. Brandt,
"Measuring the Compressibility of Metadata and Small Files for
Disk/NVRAM Hybrid Storage Systems," Proceedings of the 2004
International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and
Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'04), San Jose, CA, July 2004.
Nathan K. Edel, Deepa Tuteja, Ethan L. Miller, and Scott A. Brandt, "MRAMFS: A Compressing File System for Non-Volatile RAM," Proceedings of the 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS 2004), Volendam, Netherlands, October 2004, to appear. (PDF)
Presentations and Technical Reports
An earlier version of my MRAMFS work was presented as a Work in Progress
(WIP) report at the 3rd USENIX Conference on File Systems and Storage
Technologies, San Francisco, CA, April 2004 (PDF Slides)
An earlier version of the compression measurement work presented at SPECTS is available as a technical report (UCSC-CRL-03-04). (PDF)
I also have a list of past graduate classes available.
Last updated 15 Dec 2024, Nathan Keir (Nate) Edel