Basic Facts

  Full Name :Nathan Keir Edel
  Usually goes by :Nate
  Species :Homo sapiens (allegedly)
  Birth Year :1975
  Blog :Cubicle Hermit
  Eyesight :Really bad without my glasses.
  Appearance :See photo
(from 2012, I think. Much more grey hair now)
  General Location :Bay Area/near San Francisco, California, USA, Terra

Present Status

  Relationship Status :Married
  Employment Status :Gainfully employed.
  Grad School Status :Finished in 2011
  Parental Status :A parent
  Pet Status :Two cats

Hobbies, Interests, and Preferences

  OS :Linux; also use Windows a fair bit
  Desktop Environment :KDE / Plasma
  Current Linux Distro :Gentoo
  First Linux Distro :SLS 1.03
  Current computer :Dell Precision 5570
...probably out of date by the time you see this...
  First computer :Commodore 64
like probably 80% of computer geeks my age
  Opinion of Macs :Still haven't forgiven Apple for the Powerbook 5300
  Mobile OS :Android, if I have to.
  Console Text Editor :joe
  GUI Text Editor :notepad++ (yes, it runs great on wine
  Internet Hang-out:FlyerTalk
  Mobile OS :Android, if I have to.
  Weirdest Hobby :Collecting old workstations
  Most Expensive Hobby :Collecting Frequent Flier miles
  Favorite color :Yellow (although ideally brighter than the background here)
  Favorite Beverage :Tie between diet ginger ale and diet orange soda
Updated 18 Dec 2022, Nathan Keir (Nate) Edel
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