Basic Facts
Full Name : | Nathan Keir Edel | |
Usually goes by : | Nate | |
Birth Year : | Old | |
Blog : | Cubicle Hermit | |
Eyesight : | Really bad without my glasses. | |
Appearance : | See photo (from 2012, I think. Much more grey hair now) | |
General Location : | Bay Area/near San Francisco, California, USA, Terra | |
Present Status
Relationship Status : | Married | |
Employment Status : | Gainfully employed. | |
Grad School Status : | Finished in 2011 | |
Parental Status : | A parent | |
Pet Status : | Two cats |
Hobbies, Interests, and Preferences
OS : | Linux; also use Windows a fair bit | |
Desktop Environment : | KDE / Plasma | |
Current Linux Distro : | Gentoo | |
First Linux Distro : | SLS 1.03 | |
Current computer : | Dell Precision 5680 ...probably out of date by the time you see this... | |
First computer : | Commodore 64 like probably 80% of computer geeks my age | |
Opinion of Macs : | Still haven't forgiven Apple for the Powerbook 5300 | |
Mobile OS : | Android, if I have to. | |
Console Text Editor : | joe | |
GUI Text Editor : | notepad++ (yes, it runs great on wine | |
Internet Hang-out: | FlyerTalk | |
Mobile OS : | Android, if I have to. | |
Weirdest Hobby : | Collecting old workstations | |
Most Expensive Hobby : | Collecting Frequent Flier miles | |
Favorite color : | Yellow (although ideally brighter than the background here) | |
Favorite Beverage : | Tie between diet ginger ale and diet orange soda |